Sizing your ring perfectly.

All of my ring designs are made to order, so please ensure that you provide the correct size.  It can be a difficult thing to do, so here are some tips.

  • Visiting a local jeweller is the best way to ensure that you get an accurate ring size as they will have the best tools to size you accurately.

  • Your fingers change size all day, the best time nearer the end of the day and when you are warmer, so that your fingers are at their largest.

  • You want the ring to fit over your knuckle comfortably and snugly, so that is will not come off your finger when your body temperature is lower.

  • If you already know your ring size, a wider band ring might need a larger ring size than a smaller width band and vice versus. 

  • Feel free to email me with your postage address to to request a plastic ring gauge with which you can measure your own size at a very small charge.

  • If you are buying a ring as a secret gift, the best way to obtain a size, is to borrow a ring that they wear on the desired finger and to take it to a local jeweller to get an accurate size.